Old Russell County Courthouse
Open Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm; Sunday 12:30pm – 4pm. This former courthouse was built in 1799 by Henry Dickenson. A stone building, the structure replaced a log courthouse that was burned during the Revolutionary War. A brick wing was added to the stone structure by the Robert Dickenson family between 1830 and 1850. Used as a residence until the 1970’s, the courthouse began to undergo a restoration process in 1976. The building is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places and is a Virginia Landmark. It is now restored and open to the public. Many antiques are displayed in the building, as donations to the historical society. The collection continues to grow. Self-guided tours are encouraged. The Dickenson Bundy log house is on the same site and is open for local crafts sales. A covered picnic facility also exists on site for picnics and family reunions.
Information provided by heartofappalachia.com

24071 US Highway 58A, Castlewood, VA 24224
